Friday, February 6, 2009

Food 4 Thought Friday

What Helps To Pull You Out Of A Bad Mood?

Cleaning with Music!
Who Were Your Favorite Teachers Growing Up and Why?

I had a really great Government teacher in High School, Mrs MacCausland. She was passionate and knowledgeable and was really wrapped up in her teaching. We always had tons of class participation and debate going on, but it was civilized. I loved it.

I also really liked my AlgebraII teacher. She was nice to us because we were her honors class. We were able to work at a quicker pace and never had busy work homework.

Of course, my favorite teachers were my parents. They instilled great values in all of their children and set an example of love.

What, in your opinion, is the worst song ever?

Without hestitation, Katy Perry's I Kissed A Girl

Midnight Snack:
What personal activity, when performed in public, bothers you the most?
Nail Clipping/filing. It's should be contained, not flung all over a public place.

Recipe for the week:
Instead of recipe for life, what is it just for the week?

Beacon of Hope has more For 4 Thought


ClancyPants said...

So glad to see that you hate that song as much as I do...

Anonymous said...

yeah, FOCUS! hopefully we can do that.

thanks for the visit.

Rebecca said...

Hi Polly, its rebecca, I noticed you also added the sit long read much accessory and I accidentally deleted it from my blog tonight. Will you email me the java code to, thx :) I cant find it anymore on cutest blogs on the block :(

Mrs Cullen said...

Just thought I'd let you know that I am having Blogger Awards and that if you'd like to enter, you should check out For the Love of Twilight.
I just like to let everyone know who my favourite blogs are and I will then make up some little stickers that will be available for posting on your blog so the whole world can know that your blog is one of my faves.